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Karitas hospital is located in Sumba Barat, a district in the province Nussa Tenggara Timor of Indonesia. The district has 389.415 inhabitants (2004 census)

and a surface area of 4051,92 km2, which results in 96 indviduals/square kilometer. The district is divided into 17 subdistricts (kabupaten) and 192 villages (desas). The living standards are considered low. The Family Health subdirectory of the District Health Office classified 77,6% of in total 66.599 families in Sumba Barat as poor.

The most frequent diseases in Sumba Barat are listed in the table below. (DinKes, Health profile 2004)

Clinical Malaria 94617 cases

Confirmed malaria 31.996 cases

Diarrhoea 7699 cases

URTI 2468 cases

TB 579 cases


Malaria is endemic in Sumba. In 2004 94.647 cases of clinical malaria and 31996 cases of laboratory confirmed malaria were reported. The incidence was 242 cases of clinical malaria and 80 cases of laboratory confirmed malaria per 1000 persons in 2004.

The Global Fund conducts a project, the Malaria Eradication Intensification Program, in Sumba Barat since October 2003. The main activities are early case detection and treatment through "Pos Malaria Desa". Several NGO’s have malaria control programs in Sumba Barat. World Vision has a program for social marketing of bednets. The Sumba Foundation develops a network of malaria clinics for passive case detection, conducts annual active case detection and provides bednets in their service area.


The eastern provinces of Indonesia, including Nussa Tenggara Timor have a tuberculosis incidences that is a factor 3-4 higher than Java and Bali, according to the national tuberculosis survey of 2004. The National TB program is faced with challenges including lack of staff and low budgets available for health care.

In Sumba Barat … cases of sputum positive tuberculosis were registered in 2005. The case detection rate of the program is 60% which compares favourably with other districts surrounding the district, but still is below the national target, which is 70%. Karitas Hospital diagnosed and treated 55% of the cases in Sumba Barat.


In 2004 Sumba Barat had 53982 children under the age of 5. 23.479 children were weight monitored with a health card (Kartu Menuju Sehat or KMS). 2105 were diagnosed as severely malnourished and 4809 children as moderately malnourished.


World Vision runs a supplementary feeding program as well as Karitas hospital and the government hospital in Waikabubak.

Access to care

The district is served by three hospitals and sixteen puskesmas or government health centres. The government hospital in Waikabubak has 89 beds. A second hospital in Waikabubak, Lende Moripa, has 50 beds. Karitas Hospital is the third hospital.

In 2004, out of the total population 64,2% visited a health centre. The population of Sumba Barat who live in the most remote areas have least access to health care.

Sources: Bretton M, de Wachter S, Holmbom M, Kurniasari M, Valverde O. Emergency

Intervention in Sumba barat District, NTT, Indonesia. Jakarta. Medecins sans Frontieres, 2006.

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