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Vision of the hospital

Karitas hospital has the vision to be a centre of excellence, that serves with all soul, heart and capacity in a spirit of communion, professionality, holism and hospitality for all people but most importantly for the poor.

Short history of the hospital

The Karitas Hospital Weetebula is one of the health service programs owned by the Congregation of Nuns Amalkasih Darah Mulia (ADM) run by the charity Yayasan Karitas Weetebula. This health service program is run by the nuns of the ADM convent in Weetabula which saw the need for health services within the community.  Sister Regina began to nurse the sick in a large covered veranda next to the convent on November 19 1958, at which time everything was very, very basic.

On 6th February 1959 Father Deken met the political head of the area, Lede Kalmbang, to discuss building a polyclinic and a school to teach basic domestic skills, and also to request permission for Sr. Regina to give injections.  Since 16th February 1959 Sr. Regina was fully permitted to work as a nurse in the polyclinic at the convent in Weetebula  On 17th February 1959 discussions were begun with Mr. Yosep Nudu regarding forming a charity to be named Karitas Katolik Sumba.

On 15th December 1959 the Area Head, Lede Kalumbang, and the ‘King’ of Loura district, Timoteus Tako Geli, gave to the leaders of the Church of Sumba-Sumbawa a large piece of land adjoining the convent to be used to build a hospital.

On 7th December 1960 Governor Oberst Peikum and his team visited the workshops of the CSsR (a Catholic mission), the ADM convent and Karitas Hospital Weetebula.  The Governor was very impressed and requested that Pater Luckas (the head of CSsR) visit Kupang.  The Governor announced officially that Karitas Hospital had already been accredited in Kupang and national accreditation would soon follow.

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